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Guild Board Meeting Notes

Board Meeting April 23, 2022

Members in attendance Wes Wernimont, Jeb Taylor, Brian Rognholt, Alan Summers, and Luke Hoff.  Discussion of the board meeting is to initiate thought on three meetings per year because of January historically low attendance. Additional discussion on having higher level, or different presenters who can come, but may require some funds.  Focus on less meetings per year due to low presenter availability.  April meeting would mean more funding for an outside presenter.  \Having a spring meeting, a show in the fall as a fall meeting, with the hammer-in late summer would comprise our main meetings for the year. Other discussion was around development of the Guild website by Wes Wernimont, it was decided for Wes to proceed with the website.  Discussion on the hammer-in focused on change of the cost, as we discussed $60, eventually the price was settled as $75 this was the end of the mini meeting for April 23rd.


Board meeting May 16, 2022

Starting at 6:35 PM. Attendance was Jeb Taylor, Wes Wernimont, Chad Johnson, Carlin AL-Andas, Brian Rognholt, Peter Martin, Tyler Turner, Alan Summers.  Meeting proceeded by Alan giving minutes from the April 23rd meeting by, minutes were accepted without change

Chad Johnson gave financial information as: general account information balance of 12,044.27.  The show account is $6233.79 after a wix fee and a PayPal fee, is $6196.30.  Hammer in $922.56 after Wix fee also a discussion of a general $1.88 service fee, PayPal is $422.xx, Show tickets are $75.   Plus 1.88 fee plus a #3.17 paypal fee.  

There is a $15,000 threshold for the 501C3 organization so that must be minded so we can spend money, we also have $130 cash on hand after iron in the hat (we had $230 revenue, gave $100 to Aiden Cole).

Wes Wernimont discussed the show: behind the scenes, marketing plan with Peter Martin.  Wes will send out information, attempt to get Knife Dogs to comment on the show during their podcast. Budget on the show for forecast of money also money spent with where to go with the treasury report. Continued discussion was new website, the Hammer-In as we have sold 12 tickets to date.  Finance is linked website, membership linked to pay fee reminder fee.  Tyler asked about membership fee having a low cost of membership is good for most, because of the cost of entry into the Guild while other guilds have more cost to join.  There are also costs for certifications classes etc. Carlin mentioned a resource page on the website.  Wes suggested a meeting notes page, a member’s only page.  Possible problem could be creating small groups and cliques.  Featured member page questionnaire, which was accepted. Download info social media links.  Peter Martin signage of 4x10 for $340 from Vistaprint everyone thought was a good idea.

Jeb Taylor discussion on Hammer-In, presenters list is now solidified.  Steve Schwarzer will present on Saturday due to his scheduling. Other presenters are being flexible around him.  We are getting a bigger tent this year for a better presentation, it’s $300 more than the previous one.   Brian discussed food having scouts and the Wiener mobile.   Discussion of T shirts was about quantity and design for this year.

Carlin discussed the October meeting which is October 22nd in Iowa at 515 makers space Barry Richard’s doing canister Damascus, Bill Carman and Sabrina Lowrey on leather sheaths, possibly Stefan Hall on chef’s knife, maybe Carlin is going to discuss grinder skills for stock removal. 

New business was a vote on three meetings per year;  April, August and then one in either October or November.  Chad motioned for a vote, Carlin second. Vote was unanimous yes.

Also new business, the television we own for presentations but we wanted to add a PA system so speakers could come in and just is a mic with a camera, present their fine work during the events. Carlin had an idea about a PA system that was music based. Wes Wernimont had an idea about a GoPro camera and microphone system that would just project through the TV.  There was concern about having two competing presentations on either side of the facility and whether the sound would bleed over from one presentation to the next. We talked about a TV monitor, tripod we could use for demos. All members discussed those were good ideas for presentations, and that Wes would proceed with a trial and Carlin would proceed to put a plan together for his idea.

Jeb Taylor called for an end of the meeting at 7:24 PM, it was approved.



 Midwest Knifemakers Guild

 2650 9th Avenue 
Mankato, MN 56001


(the Guild's SPRING meeting and HAMMER-IN take place at Midwest Knife Makers office/warehouse. 



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© 2022-2024 by Midwest Knife Makers Guild

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